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Old Nov 09, 2006, 08:05 PM // 20:05   #261
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Originally Posted by midnight caretaker
First of all FexFX, why dont you get to playing the game you hardly get a chance to play instead of flaming people on posts. By the way you are quite possibly the most anal person Ive seen on these forums I say 2 weeks and you come back with 13 days then do some math to figure out how much time I play, come on. Since you were being so anal isnt it 13 days some number of hours, minutes and seconds since the game came out. Do your math again and tell me how much i play and be wrong again. I play about 4 hours a day

Secondly, no i did not go and play noob island with a lv 20 char, waste of time in my opinion, and i dont do a quest that gets me no closer to beating the game unless its along the way

Good for you and the 50 bucks you spent on a game that did not deliver what was promised. Did you buy your house with out windows and say thats fine or maybe a 3 legged dog and say yay.

Thanks for the update on your home life by the way as if anyone cared if you have dogs. If it was to try and gloat Ive got you beat and I still beat the game 2 times
First, not a contest, you lose.
Second, You didn't answer so I used the calculator on my desktop.
Third, I am at work and cant play right now (that whole life thing) I just happen to be on a break and thought I'd drop by the forum.
Fourth four hours a see, assuming you have a job (and are not a child) you likely spend 1 hour a day getting ready for and traveling to work, 9 hours a day at work, .5 hours getting home(at least) and 8 hours sleeping(if you are lucky)...that leaves 5.5 hours of free time a day after all is said and done...if you really play 4 hours a day, and think your life beats your lucky wife (assuming you have one) must be overjoyed with the 1.5 hours you spend with her a day!
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Old Nov 09, 2006, 08:08 PM // 20:08   #262
Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Amorfati87
And your point is, what? If articles in magazines and the bloody game manual clearly mean diddly-squat, you think that vague statement that really says nothing at all is proof of... What exactly?

I'm shouting so you will pay attention and maybe actually read what the woman wrote.
Sadly I do read what she writes, most often with extreme bemusement.

If, and I think this is what you were getting at, you wanted to sue Anet for not giving you an elite mission?
Oh puhlease, if I wanted to sue Anet I'd be talking to a lawyer, not wasting my time here.


Anet doesn't have to give me squat huh? Yes that is true, and yet, they have. They are not required to give us a Halloween, Christmas, 4th of July Festival and yet they still do.
If you think they do that out of their love for you or anyone else who isn't a dead president, you are sadly and truly deluded.

How does this [holiday events] effect their bottom line?
Oh, I dunno, maybe it helps to sell copies of the game? Could be...

They do NOT charge us a monthly fee, when by all rights they could.
Please tell me you're kidding. If Guild Wars went to a pay-to-play model it would evaporate virtually overnight.

They also do not have to come on here and tell us anything, [...]
Wait... Let me see if I get this right... Anet releases a game. People play game. People look for expected features. People can't find expected features. People ask "Where's the expected features?" and get silence for an answer. Nine days later, someone from Anet gets around to saying "Opps, those features aren't in the game yet". And you want to tout Anet's communication skills?!?


[...] nor do they have to listen to any constructive criticisms we might have and try and accomodate us.
I see little evidence that either occurs.
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Old Nov 09, 2006, 08:09 PM // 20:09   #263
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Originally Posted by Trvth Jvstice
So Allience, you spent $50 on a 8 hour game. Do you screw yourself over like that on a regular basis?

Play the game how you want, but it seems like you're ripping yourself off when you play like that. Why are people so concerned with playing elite missions? Is it about getting green items to sell as someone mentioned previously?

Personally, I have yet to play an elite mission. I'm still playing my favorite Tyrian and Canthan missions though I own Nightfall (I still haven't found a mission more fun than monking Thunderhead Keep pugs ).
Can I get a Hallelujah!?

My point exactly!
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Old Nov 09, 2006, 08:09 PM // 20:09   #264
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Guild: Xen of Onslaught
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Originally Posted by Marc0
Anyone else see the contradiction?

If you didn't do ALL the quests, you didn't finish the game. If you didn't get ALL titles, you didn't finish the game. These are things that are still left for you to do, thus the game not being finished. Opening up/finishing all the Primary missions does not equate to finishing the game. If there are still green exclamation marks floating have more quests to do, more xp to gain, more rewards/skill points to get. Did you unlock all the skills? Cap all the elites? Yep, you guessed it, still not finished.

Thanks just a strange comment. Do you have a 3 legged dog btw?

Couldn't have said it better myself, even though I tried!!!

And awwwwww...poor doggy!
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Old Nov 09, 2006, 08:11 PM // 20:11   #265
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Join Date: Dec 2004

Sorry, but this needs to be closed now. It's deteriorated into insults and flaming (and a 3 legged dog).
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